Monday, February 06, 2006

Jonathan's Surgery, Tomorrow

This day has been anticipated since Jonathan was 1 day old. Now, three months later, we’re here at UAB Hospital getting ready for tomorrow. Jonathan’s the first case tomorrow, 6:30 AM.

We got here around 11:30 AM today. After paperwork, lunch, labs, x-rays, ekg, etc., we met with Dr. Pacifico and his chief resident, Dr. Goldberg. Some things were confirmed and we found out some risks for this procedure are greater than we thought. Honestly, this was very scary for me to hear. But, we have the absolute best taking care of our son. We'll leave this to God's hands and his sovereign will. We had visits from my godfather, Bill (UAB physician), our friend Joel (UAB radiology resident), and our new friend, Betty. It was good to see them.

Details for tomorrow:
5:30 AM: Jonathan will get some sedation medication to help calm him. We'll walk from the West Pavilion to the Cardiac OR's in the new part of the hospital.
6:00 AM: they'll take Jonathan back for prep and let anesthia do their thing
7:00 AM: the procedure will actually start
Somewhere around 10:00 AM: we'll get a message if he's come off the heart/ lung machine
Procedure will end shortly thereafter
Lunchtime: we should get to see him.
Tuesday-Wednesday: he should be in the CICU. We can't stay with him tomorrow night. We'll be back in the hospital overnight once he leaves CICU.

1. Dr. Pacifico and the surgical team for skill, wisdom, and efficiency
2. Jackson - we want his schedule stay as normal as possible.
3. Julie and I - we need to feel God's peace in the most real way than any other moment in our lives. I'm staying at the hospital tonight and need some good sleep - Phil 4:6-7
4. Jonathan - He's a determined little guy. If he needs to fight tomorrow, pray that he would give it all he's got.

Thanks you all for your love and support. Pics are from the hospital today. More updates tomorrow morning once he goes back into the OR.


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