Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"According to Plan..."

These are the exact words of Dr. Pacifico. Things went well today with Jonathan's recovery. We're still not out of the woods yet, but he's very pleased with the repair and the slow, steady progress he's making. You can see how much equipment is involved.

We got to see Jonathan around 10:45 AM. He's off the pacemaker. I can't tell you how great it is to see his heart beating kowing that it's working how it should be have been all along. Jonathan looked much better than Julie and I had been prepared for. He's a bit swollen, but his color's good.

The main risk at this point is the lungs and vessels not adapting to the new pressures (albeit the correct ones). If you've followed Jonathan's story, you know that oxygen saturation was a metric we mentioned often in the NICU. Pulmonary artery pressure is what we're watching now. We need Jonathan's lungs to relax and not tighten. A major constriction event could be life threatening. There are drugs to help mititgate this likelihood, but drugs can only do so much. The good news is that tonight, he's come off the medication to fight that. It's a good sign.

We only get to visit him 5x per day/ 20 minutes each tim in the CICU. My folks stuck around so we could come home for a nap and dinner. I'm headed back in a few minutes to see him at 9 PM.
Please pray for his little lungs to relax and adjust. Your prayers are being answered with "yeses". Thank you all so much. Enjoy the pics from today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God for answered prayer thusfar! Praise God for soon to be answered prayer as Little J goes home in full recovery!