Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wednesday PM

Jonathan has breathed on his own since Monday night. His heart condition doesn't seem to be causing the lower oxygen levels at this point. Often when he's sleeping on his back, he gets so relaxed that his tongue obstructs his airway. So, the doctors have slept him on his tummy. This has been graet for his levels and breathing. He's done so well, we're planning to bring him home tomorrow. Thanksgiving will take on a new meaning for the rest of our lives.

Today, we fitted Jonathan with his new heart/ respiration monitor. We have the peace of mind that we'll know within seconds if his circulation or breathing aren't within acceptable levels. Imagine your smoke detector going off -- it's that loud. It's a little band that we velcro around his chest. He'll wear this little unit for a few weeks up to a few months (except for bath time). It even travels with us.

We're a little scared to bring him home. We had a 1.5 hour training class today, a refresher course on CPR, and all the extra things we need to know to care for him. The monitor did go off a few times at the hospital today. He'd get super sleepy and his breathing would slow. He needed a gentle shake and re-position to get back up. It's a real sensitive unit, too. So, often if he moves around it will go off. This will take some adjustment on our end.

Jackson's excited about his baby brother coming home... he obviously doesn't comprehend that this is the final night of his reign as the sole Warren prince.
After we fry a turkey with the family tomorrow and eat all the trimmings, Julie and I will go get him from the NICU. Look for new pictures and posts tomorrow PM.

Please pray that his lungs continue to strenghten and that he learns to regulate that breathing. As he gets older, it should improve. Pray for wisdom for Julie and I to be vigilant as we care for him. Pray that Jackson learns how to share us with his brother. With all the emotions of fear and uncertainty, I'm so excited that all 4 of us will be under one roof tomorrow.

May all of you count your blessings and rejoice on Thanksgiving.


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