Joel got croup Friday night. He got up around 9pm and stayed up until midnight. We took turns taking him in the bathroom with the shower going. Jamie stayed up with him to make sure he wouldn't have a tough time breathing. Jonathan's lingering cough developed into a chest cold. I took both boys to the doctor Saturday morning. Joel got a steroid and Jonathan got a different antibiotic. Once home, both were not quite themselves.
Jonathan started screaming later Saturday. We could not tell what was wrong. Jamie wondered if he swallowed something but he was coughing so fiercely, we concluded that he was in pain. His throat has got to be raw from all the coughing he has been doing. Saturday night,
Jonathan fell asleep at the foot of our stairs around 5:30pm and had a tough time waking up so we put him to bed. He kept signing "sleep" so we just let him go. Joel followed soon after. We enjoyed a relatively quiet dinner with Jackson who enjoyed the quiet, too. The boys camped out in a tent on their floor all week. So, in conclusion to a camp out week, we "roasted" s'mores over our gas stove in the kitchen. Jackson thought it was great.
Joel again got up around 10pm. I got settled and held him so he would sleep better. I ended up "sleeping" on the couch in his room with him. Jamie got up with Jonathan around 1am. Jonathan was screaming bloody murder. Again, it seemed like his throat was hurting - he could not stop coughing. So, Jamie ran the shower and let it take effect. We had already maxed out the cough meds so we could not give him anymore. We gave him Motrin to ease any inflammation and administered his inhalers to help open up his lungs. Later, he fell asleep with Jamie holding him upright.
This morning I got up with Joel and Jackson and Jamie slept a little with Jonathan. Jamie took Jackson to church and I stayed home with Jonathan and Joel. I changed Jonathan's diaper and what did I find but a Lego Storm Trooper helmet. THAT is why the boy screamed so much! He was in terrible pain passing the thing! That is why he coughed so hard yesterday - he swallowed it. It is a wonder his insides aren't perforated from all the things he has swallowed. Ugh!!!
What exciting thing will tomorrow bring? Nothing, I hope!
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