Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Jackson got up this morning and said good-bye to his tonsils. He had tubes put in and adenoids removed two weeks before reaching two years old. He has had tubes removed. This is his third procedure and we are pros. Frankly, this recovery is supposed to be tough in the days to come because (this is gross so get ready...) the skin behind the scabs gets tight and it is painful. Ugh! In the grand scheme of things, not so bad, right? We've had worse. I saw this video today of a man who has no arms or legs and gives all the glory to God ( ). Makes our day look like a cake walk!

After surgery and about an hour's recovery, we came home. Nana and Pops took Jonathan yesterday and kept him for us so we could focus on the Jackster. We loaded up on meds and ice cream products. Jackson ate popsicles, ice cream, and drank juice. It is important that he stay hydrated to keep his skin in his throat from tightening too much. We plan to wake him twice tonight to keep the pain meds rolling.

We were lazy and watched a movie during dinner. This recovery process can take up to two weeks. Even if Jackson is feeling great, we are not supposed to let him get wild - his throat might bleed. Again - yuck. We want to avoid that at all costs, right? I don't quite know how far to take it - no pool, no riding bikes, no climbing the tree house, etc. for 14 days? I am hoping that is not right. We shall see!

Jackson dressed up like a cowboy because kids on Barney (he never watches this, I promise) were talking about cowboys. He made his own belt and lasso out of these wire/styrofoam things, had his hat and hankerchief on, and wore his Luke Skywalker pants as dusters.

Attempt #1 to get a good view of the tonsils.

Attempt #2. I know - yuck. Just don't look if it's that bad!

Jack before surgery - excited about the ice cream.

Jack and Daddy. We got there around 6:30am and he arrived in his Lightening McQueen PJs.

Front view with gown.

Back view.

Stirring after surgery. Dr. Davis said Jackson's tonsils looked similar in size to golf balls. He also said none of the adenoid tissue had grown back.

Jackson and Daddy.

No more tonsils (I know you don't really want to see this...).

Jackson eating ice cream, loving life while the pain medication is still working. Apparently, Day Three will be tough.

Cowboy Jack wanted me to post this "on the internet, Mommy."

Jack getting ready to put on the gown. He was rather excited.

Jack waking up.

Jackson living the high life with ice cream, drink, and his own personal movie at the other end of the couch.

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