Monday, January 02, 2012

Flat Stanley's Visit

Our niece, Emma, sent us a little character named Flat Stanley. We were instructed to color Flat Stanley according to our climate (which we neglected to do - Jackson had him wear shorts, which was accurate some days) and cut him out. Then, Flat Stanley was to accompany us on our adventures, we were to write about them, and mail him back to Emma's teacher. 

Here are the events that transpired while he stayed with us...

Flat Stanley hid in one of our stockings.

He helped to prepare Uncle Jamie's coffee one morning.

Aunt Julie had lots of ironing to do and Flat Stanley gladly helped her.

He played trains.

Flat Stanley taught us about how Christmas is about Jesus and not all the stuff you get. 
He explained this to us using our Nativity Set the boys had out in the playroom.

He took a nap on Joel's bed.

 He watched Jackson play on the computer.

 He hung out with Joel and Jonathan as they watched TV. 
Jonathan was not quite sure he was comfortable with Flat Stanley.:)

Flat Stanley tried to help take out the trash but got caught in the can.

He enjoyed adding some last touches to our Christmas tree.

He got the mail for us one day.

He watched Jackson open a gift from a neighbor.

He helped Aunt Julie unload the dishwasher.

He took a trip with Aunt Julie to see their newest cousin, Hart.

He had to ride in one of the bins in the security area.

He rode the escalator in Atlanta.

He met Hart Bender, Aunt Julie's sisters's first child.

He had his own seat on the plane.

Flat Stanley, thank you for having such wonderful manners and for being so helpful. We enjoyed your visit!

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