Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Madness Warren Style

Jonathan's speech is picking up and as he learns more and more, he is driving his brothers crazier. When Jackson says something, Jono will ask "Why?" many, many times. When Joel says something, Jonathan will comment to the opposite and then the boxing gloves come out. Joel and Jonathan fight constantly. If one wants the light on, the other wants it off. If one says "yes" the other says "no." It is exhausting and hard to know how to address. I separate them, discipline them, take things away, administer time outs, etc. 

Joel started this phase a few weeks ago. He has always been scrappy - feeding himself from the pantry, fridge, and freezer at his own will on his own clock and then hiding the evidence behind the couch. He recently has developed quite a mouth. Jamie and I talked about this tonight and we think it stems from being the third child and trying to fight to be heard and also to get what he wants. He can take quite a tone with all of us and we are introducing him to the concepts of kindness and respect. 

Joel does not distinguish well between fending for himself on the playground and addressing adults he does not know. At Publix today, Joel said (yelled, rather), "Why is that WHITE lady looking over here?!!!" I looked up and spied an elderly woman wheeling her cart away. I don't think she heard Joel, but she had a full head of white hair. Thus, the "white"lady.

Later, as a man was bagging our groceries, Joel told him to "get away." I intervened before Joel got uglier and I apologized to the bagger. He was kind about it, but I was so embarrassed. Joel was waiting on his free cookie at that point. He did not get it and was incredibly disappointed. Point for Mom.

With these behavioral problems, I was concerned about spring break last week. Jamie wanted to go camping for two nights. I didn't pray for rain, but I was nervous. Jamie and I camped before the boys were born, Jamie and Jack have camped with the cub scouts, and Jamie, Jack, and Jono have camped in the backyard. However, Joel has never been along and my mind wandered to what we would do during the day. I wasn't worried about sleeping in the tent at night - just daytime activities and following directions. Thankfully, it rained and we headed to Atlanta.

Jamie took the lead and organized this last minute trip. We forgot about the fact that the basketball tournament would be there so it was difficult finding a hotel. However, Jamie found one, complete with an indoor pool. 

We left on Friday and got there mid-afternoon. We took the boys to swim in the "glorified bathtub" only to discover that swimming lessons were being administered. This was quite funny because the pool's capacity was 20 people and it was no deeper than four or five feet. Jackson kept doing cannonballs in the  "deep" end and almost landed on a man. This guy came up out of the water, looking scared, wiping his face. I realized what must have happened, scolded Jackson, and apologized to this man. It was ridiculous because I kept correcting my kids for splashing and jumping when they were in an environment where they were supposed to be able to do that!

Saturday we hit the aquarium and Sunday we went to the Coke museum. I don't remember much of either because I was chasing the kids, making sure we didn't get separated. However, Jackson thought it was great and that is all that matters. I realize now that "vacation" is about the kids and not us. That keeps Jamie and me from being disappointed when we come home exhausted.:) I must say that our trip was the best one we have had with all three boys. We ate well, wore them out during the day, and they slept well. Jamie and I actually got sleep and that was helpful!

Here are some pix and videos we took in the last month. Enjoy!

I got rid of the step stools because they were being used 
for purposes they were not intended. For starters, Joel 
both and stacked them to achieve height. He then climbed 
onto the chair to get to the counter. He found scissors and 
did his best to use them to open this protein bar. This child
knows no bounds.

Jonathan enjoys dressing for winter on a regular basis.

Jamie and Joel at Joel's Valentine's Day party. We got there. He immediately
 popped up from the table and said he was ready to go home.:)

Jamie got me roses and chocolates for Valentine's Day. He has
 tried to get me expensive chocolate but I refuse. I like the cheap stuff!

Raccoon Boy.
Joel decided to put on my mascara. Thankfully, he didn't 
put out an eye.:) First concealer, now mascara. For weeks 
he told me he was girl, "not a boy." I started to wonder 
where that was going but he is back to being a boy now.:)

Joel thought his lion needed to try some honey.

Jamie has been playing his guitar again. Jackson got one
for Christmas. Joel loves trying to play it. He and Jamie
walked around one evening playing a song from Peppa Pig.:)

Joel can't perform unless he has a pick.

Jonathan loves to make cookies with me. He can crack 
an egg without getting yoke in the bowl! Watch.:)

Joel can walk on his toes. Most strange. 
It looks like it should hurt but it must not!

Joel got the camera...

Joel was hiding in the closet and granted Jamie an interview.

Puzzle man.

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