Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jackson Turns Five

Jackson turned five on April 15 - a dreaded day for many but a beloved day for us. Jackson's birthday was last Tuesday. Jamie was gone on business a couple of days before so over that weekend I took the boys to a track meet at Mountain Brook. We ran out of gas on the way there (oversight on my part:)). After Pops rescued us, we headed to the meet. I had been at the same track meet five years earlier on April 12 (it was April 12 this year, too). I explained to Jackson that on that day I was coaching. People would come up and say, "When are you due?" and I would respond with, "Today." He was summoned three days later - he thought that was neat. Then he kept asking when we could leave.:)

We had a party with family while Jackson's cousins were here and then had a party with friends the next week. Enjoy the photos and movies!


Birthday party invitations.

Jamie wrestling with the boys and the cousins.

Jackson, Eric, and Emma watching TV.

Jack got Star Wars' sunglasses from his cousins!

Jackson Jawa - Jackson dressed up in an old Star Wars' costume of Jamie's at Nana and Pops' house.

Jackson got a Luke Skywalker costume for his birthday.

Jackson and Jonathan dressed for church.

This boy loves Star Wars.

Jack's birthday - he turned five!

Jackson and Jonathan playing with light sabers.

Happy Birthday To You, Jackson!

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