Thursday, October 06, 2011

May - Jono's Preschool Graduation

Jonathan had a great year in preschool this year. It was sad to see it end. Mrs. Connie, Mrs. Kendall, and Mrs. Patsy worked so hard with Jonathan, especially on potty training. Thanks to them, Jonathan learned to use the potty. That in itself was a HUGE accomplishment. They also were on the receiving end of us figuring out meds to help Jono attend better. That was rough - some days we didn't know if Jono was on the right meds or if he was getting sick. Because of them, their patience and creativity, Jonathan made tremendous progress this year. Many thanks to Hall Kent!

Jono receiving his preschool diploma from Mrs. Connie.

Winking for the picture.

Jono and Daddy.

Mommy, Jono, and Daddy.

Mrs. Kendall and Jono.

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