Thursday, October 06, 2011

End of March 2011

Joel loves to paint... himself.

Jackson was Daniel Boone for Character Day at school.

Jono eating his happy meal. The kid LOVES chicken nuggets.

Three boys riding a fake horse.

Going on a trip with Daddy.

Taking the shuttle.

In the hotel (or the apartment, as Jackson likes to call it).

On the slopes.

Ski school.

Having fun.

All geared up.


Two studs.

Riding the lift.

We went to Oak Mountain State Park the second half of 
spring break. We weren't sure how the canoe ride would go, 
but both boys did great. Joel and I waited in the parking lot.

Enjoying the ride.

Swimming in the lake.

Zonked Joel.

Jack eating a popsicle.

Joel's favorite pose.

What Joel does with broccoli.

Jono the Rapper.

Who is this guy?

A conniving child.


Jono eating his chicken. We came up with a song just
to get him to eat. Meals at our house can be exhausting.

Jacko turned eight this year.

Seeing Jono potty train has Joel ready to go.

Joel is wearing one of Jono's chewy things - 
it looks like a green telephone cord. I think 
Joel does it to taunt his brother. It works.

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