Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas with the Warrens:)

Not a very attractive picture of us! This was at our annual Parent Advocates Down Syndrome Christmas party and I thought I would save on the mall Santa and have the kids sit with this nice man. I had to get in the picture for the two younger kids to cooperate and then the two older guys had odd expressions on their faces. Next year...

It snowed in Columbia the day after Christmas (late Christmas night). This is Jackson out on my parents' trampoline, thrilled with the opportunity to play in the snow. He is very hot-natured and did not want to wear a coat.

Joel wanted to go outside 
(he is very determined) and
 got ticked off when he realized 
how cold it was.

This is Aunt Betsy and her husband, Uncle Bryan. Jonathan about killed himself trying to say "Uncle Bryan" over and over again but he was not about to give up. It hurt to listen because he was stuttering and would not let up!

Jamie drinking his much-loved coffee.

Silly Daddy.

Aunt Betsy was trying to sidle up next to 
Joel but he was not interested. One day...

Aunt Nancy and Mom/Grammie. I am terrible about
 taking pictures and they graciously allowed this one!

Grammie and Grandpa's tree had 
colored lights. Ours always has 
white lights and Jackson has requested 
colored. He got his wish! Thanks, 
Grammie and Grandpa!

Grandpa found a sled!

These are my duck shoes from wet 
times at Furman. Jonathan decided 
he wanted to wear them. That is 
me to the left in my pajamas - nice.

 Uncle Bryan and Jonathan looking at the 
snow at the dining room window.

Someone's snow angel - Jackson's?    

Jackson posing with the afore mentioned sled.

Joel and Grandpa posing while Joel readies for his nap.

Another pose with the sled.

Jackson, Aunt Betsy, and the sled in 
Grandpa and Grammie's front yard.

Aunt Betsy. Enough said.

Mommy, Daddy, Jonathan, and 
Jackson. Joel was taking a nap.

Again, another pose with the 
sled. Mommy and Jackson.

I am wearing my sweater coat
 and regular clothes. I put on my 
hood and my dad's coat along 
with gloves. Nice ensemble.

Uncle Bryan digging Aunt Betsy's 
face in the snow... I think.

Married just one month. 

Jamie's Heisman pose.

Dad, the Stud.

Jonathan is sitting on the front porch. We couldn't get 
him to participate. Sometimes he would rather just watch.

He is ready to go in.


Pleading with us to go inside...

Jamie put plastic bags on the kids feet so they wouldn't get their socks wet.:)

Last night at Grammie and Grandpa's. We had 
them watch Max and Ruby while we got ready.

Jackson left to go to Greenville, SC yesterday with Nana and Pops. Jack was the ambassador from our family. The rest of us stayed home. Jonathan was distraught so I was trying to play with him alone while Joel napped. We played the Wii. He wanted to bowl. Usually, he wants everyone else to play and then he will just watch. Yesterday he said he wanted to play. He did and he was able to figure it out. YEAH, JONO!!!!!!

 Joel wore my glasses. We were 
trying to get Jonathan to wear his 
glasses. He refuses unless you 
threaten him. I had a conversation 
with the eye doctor today and he 
gave me some tips to help him wear 
them more.
Julie wearing her glasses (notice how I tried to smile like Jono)
and Jono wearing his. He would not smile until we said he could have 
dessert if he did.:) We are not above bribing in our house. I used to 
criticize other parents for a lot of things I have 
since succumbed to so watchwhat you say you will never do!

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