Sunday, September 26, 2010

Current pix, past and current video

Weekends are a little chaotic around here. Jamie and I find we are the boys' entertainment all weekend.:) It can get tiring but it is good, too. 

Jamie and Joel stayed home from church. Joel has been teething all week and is foul. Apparently, Jamie put Joel down too early because Joel decided to jump out of the bed (Joel can have quite the temper). So, Jamie took the bed apart this afternoon, and now Joel is sleeping on the floor. The other two did this as well, but Joel takes the cake at diving out of the crib at a mere 15 months!

Here are our most recents pix and videos...

Jonathan pushing Joel around on the trike in our driveway.

Jackson in the tree. He loves this spot.


Joel loves to snuggle with his lion or his lovey.
Once we put him down, he immediately goes into snuggle mode.

My boys love to be naked. 
Jono taking a snack break... naked...

Joel loves raisins. He can be picky. However,
if he can be the one to pick the food out and eat
it on his own, he is happier. That is why often I find
him in the pantry eating the very goldfish out of the box I 
just offered him and he refused. It has to be on his terms.

Kisses from Joel.

Joel likes to climb. We do not allow it.:)

Jonathan loves this hat. You will often find him wearing
it and with his wooden horse, galloping around the house. So,
he was kindly sharing this cowboy hat with Joel.

Jackson and Joel dancing together (sorry about the view).

Playing outside with Daddy.

Joel and Jono playing behind the drapes 
while Jack is enthralled by the TV.

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