Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jackson Turns Seven!

Grammie and Grandpa came to visit us the second weekend in April, at the tail end of Grammie's spring break. While they were here, we celebrated Jackson's seventh birthday with family. Jackson did not care that it was early. He got to have a party with his friends on his birthday (the 15th) so he was satisfied.
Jackson is fresh off of gift-receiving and living high on life. While he can become frustrated with his little brothers for their annoying habits, he shows sensitivity, too. Jonathan has had a barking cough the last several days. Jackson twice has "laid hands" on Jonathan and asked God that if it be in His will, please heal Jonathan.:) As usual, some of us have been sick but it has not been too bad. Jonathan always has some sort of upper respiratory illness going on and now Joel contracts it since they both mouth the same things.
Jonathan is our wild man with or without the DS. However, to his credit, I must say he is obeying better. He is not jumping off of furniture nor is he overturning glasses or eating Lego heads as much:). That is saying something! He did start pushing kids at school again but I think that could be explained by a few things. I am realizing that often his behavior is related to how he feels. If he makes poor choices, most often than not it is because of a change in routine or illness that is coming. Again - not acceptable but understandable.
Joel surprised us by scaling a flight of stairs yesterday and today. He started taking steps last month and is now taking about ten steps or so. What?!!! When he is ticked, he is really mad. We have nicknamed him "McScreamy." He also does his share of destruction now so I call him "Moyer the Destroyer" as well - once a nickname registered to Jonathan.
School is racing to a close and I am racing to plan this summer - three boys at very different stages. I must be organized. I find myself feeling panicked at the thought of intense heat and needing to entertain three boys at very different stages for 12 hours on my own. I signed up for this, right?:) I don't think I can do the pool on my own but I might try. Jonathan is the wild card. He loves to run away from me and jump in the pool. That boy has no fear.
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

Grandpa after Daddy used his "Stache-tastic" app on his i-phone.

Boys watching TV while eating a snack after school.

I didn't know Joel could climb into this chair. He just climbed up 14 stairs on his own Friday. What?!!! Joel seems not to know that he and Jono are not the same age. Jono is wearing his chewy necklace (a bizarre likeness to a telephone cord:)). He wears this constantly to prevent him mouthing inappropriate items.
Jonathan wore his Thomas raincoat for the first time to an egg hunt the Saturday before Easter.
He had matching boots.
I made the mistake of telling Jackson that Jonathan was attending an Easter Egg Hunt - Jack was upset that he had to play baseball. Shortly after leaving for the game, Jamie called to say it was cancelled and so Jackson go to go with us. Our host was incredibly generous and Jack racked up big time.

Jackson made a fort for Joel in his bed upon his waking one morning.

Daddy and Jonathan cuddling. The Jonster is a good cuddler.

Sarah, Gracie, and Jackson at Jackson's family birthday party.

Jackson and Gracie love to hang out!

Jonathan actually smiled! He hates pictures.

The kids bounced in this after Jack opened his presents. Nana and Pops got this for us last year in hopes that if the boys weren't able to get out much with Joel's new arrival, they could do this in our backyard. Since then, it has come in handy for parties and playdates. We left it up this week and it got pollen all over it along with rain. Daddy cleaned it all off and you never would have known the state it was in this morning.

Gracie's brother, James, and her dad, Jason.
Gracie and Jack built a fort under the ottoman while waiting for the other guests to finish dinner.

Grandpa and Grammie came for Jackson's birthday party.
Nana, Joel, and Granny.

This picture is a little dark - a victim of the play-doh Jackson put in our camera lens. This is Friend (Suzanne), Pops, and Doc (Bill). Friend and Doc are often present at gatherings but often not photographed.:)
Happy Birthday, Jack! Seven years old!

Jackson requested a strawberry cake this year. Rather than have it be pink, we added chocolate covered strawberries. Grammie made the cake, Mom iced it, and Jack helped to dip the strawberries in chocolate. It was a group effort.
Jackson was thrilled with his gifts! He used not to appreciate the concept of cash and gift cards - now he does and he LOVES them!
Jackson and Grandpa.

Jackson, Grammie, Joel, Grandpa, and Jonathan.

Grandpa, Jackson, and Grammie attacking the Space Police Lego set that Grammie and Grandpa gave Jackson.

Jackson's coach was out of town for the game, so Daddy helped this week.

This is often Jack's stance in the outfield. This day, Jack and two other teammates raced to a ball. One of Jackson's teammates had it in his hand, Jackson ripped it out, and threw it to the infield.:) We had a talk about that.

Joel and Grandpa.
Jonathan decided to bathe with his clothes on - it only lasts a second (literally) but you can see what he did!

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