Thursday, October 08, 2009


Before Joel was born, I contacted a behaviorist. We worked with her for a while, ramped up his extracurricular speech, got in touch with a behavioral psychologist, and then met with an occupational therapist who works with kids with sensory issues. Along the way, people told me Jonathan was just three, just a boy, acting nutty because I was pregnant, acting nutty because a new baby was in the house, needed more structure, etc. I kept getting conflicting advice and didn't know how to "fix" him. A good friend pointed out that maybe he was punching my buttons and I needed to change. Since I realized that, he has seemed much calmer.:)

Jonathan started preschool the week after Jackson. He has done really well and his teachers are great. We have gotten a carpool going for Jackson and Jonathan.

After the first week, Jonathan was kind enough to bring home the stomach flu and share it with all of us except Joel. Nana took Joel one night and that is probably why he didn't get it from me!

Jonathan hooked up to get his vital signs taken. On this day, he was having his tonsils removed, a second set of tubes put in, and a partial adenoidectomy.

Jonathan had to have a breathing treatment. Surprisingly, Jonathan had an awesome recovery. You would have never known he had his tonsils removed!
Kalin holding Joel.
Cousin Kim holding Joel. She brought him those rattle socks and some to go on his wrists, too!
Jackson and his friend, Cate, dressed up as Star Wars characters. She is a good sport!

Jackson on his first day of school.

Joel doing laundry with me.
Giant Lego R2D2 at the Galleria. We went to go see this while Jamie was sick with the stomach bug.
This is why Jonathan cannot color unchaperoned. He eats the markers and draws on himself.
Joel likes to crawl out of his seat if not buckled in. We thought he might be laid back and mild-mannered. Don't think so!
Jackson and Jonathan on Jonathan's first day at preschool. Jonathan is attending a public preschool at one of the elementary schools in our system. His class is half typical, half non-typical. He has been doing very well there - I am so thankful!

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