Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year!

I have many pictures to upload and stories to tell. Unfortunately, the part I purchased to make it easier to download pix from the camera we purchased in August is not compatible with our computer. So, until I figure it out, this is what we sent out for our Christmas card...

Lessons Learned in 2008…

Parents must pay attention in kindergarten
Bath time can serve as a confessional
Pictures of robots glued to walls do remove paint
CD and DVD players do break when overused
Snow globes do not bounce
Poison Control and doctors’ offices can be close friends
Swimming lessons can leave scars
A “love pat” can be taken too far
Swallowed Lego pieces must be retrieved in ER
Playdoh is edible
Ear tubes expire and must be removed
Open heart surgery is a distant memory
Books don’t float in bathtubs
Little stomach flu patients can pull all-nighters
Some toys do not survive dishwasher cycles
Action figures can withstand heat of dryers
Ovens open without help from grown-ups
Wipes and diapers become toys when bored
Refrigerators are not good hiding places
“My brother ate my homework” is a valid excuse
Children have excellent memories
Jumping out of cribs can cause head injuries
Chests of drawers can fall on small children climbing them
Syrup and peanut butter do not remove easily from hair
Phones do not belong in the trash
Classroom bullies can live at your house
Not every child enjoys Bible stories
Sleeping in and privacy are overrated

Counting it ALL joy,
Jamie, Julie, Jackson, and Jonathan

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