Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jackson Graduates Preschool!

It has been a month since my last post. I have said this before, but most days I think about blogging something. Often, it may not be appropriate (too much information) or just plain boring for you to read!
Last month we were all on antibiotics. Jonathan came down with something. He typically gets a fever every two weeks for some unexplained reason. It is usually in enough time to knock out two events - Bell Center and Hand in Hand or church and a birthday party. However, his fevers are not high and cease within hours - very odd. The fevers have started coming every three weeks or so instead. I went to a shower to Atlanta the next day and felt sore all day but assumed it was from an exercise class. On the way home I was switching the heat and AC and knew I had fever. I got home and felt like I had been beaten with a stick. I could not comfortable and kept taking baths to soak out the soreness. I know Jamie thought I was crazy.:) That is the worst I have felt in a LONG time, if ever. I found Jamie on the floor of the bathroom Sunday. He had it, too. I took myself to the doc in the box Sunday. I asked them to swab for strep which came back negative. Jamie went to the doctor Monday and got a shot in addition to antibiotics. He felt better soon after. I took Jack to the doctor Tuesday. The doctor checked us both out. He had strep. I had a lump on the side of my neck that the doctor said would alleviate as my sinuses drained. Thursday I got a call from the doc-in-the-box - my labwork now read that I did have strep. They gave me a big shot. By Friday I felt like a new woman. I felt like such a wuss all week because each day I would expect to wake up feeling better and would not. I had convinced myself that I was dying a slow death and no one could diagnose what was wrong. :)
My sister came to visit at the beginning of May to attend a program at our church called Secret Church. She went Friday night and Jamie and I attended Saturday. It is supposed to simulate teaching he does in underground churches throughout the world. We had about five and a half hours of teaching - it was incredible! Our church's website should have it online soon:
Thursday was Jackson's graduation. He came out in line with his classmates. They all had graduation hats on they had made. They lined up and sang "America the Beautiful," "The Star Spangled Banner," two songs in Spanish, and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. They also recited a poem and sang a song about the alphabet. Then they received their "diplomas." I am sad to see this year over - it was absolutely wonderful. Each child had art work posted - their own versions of Picasso, Monet, and other artists. They each did a family portrait on a canvas. He was so proud!
This week he started coughing at night. Friday night Jamie was up with him most of the night. I found them both on the couch Saturday morning sound asleep at 5:45am. When I returned Jonathan was on the end of the couch talking up a storm and Jamie was fast asleep. Jamie took Jonathan to the doctor and got steroids. Jackson and I went to a birthday party at a park with the best playground equipment I have ever seen on a public playground. It was awesome!
Now, this week summer begins for me and the boys. I must become the entertainer. We shall see how it goes!

Boys watching a movie so Mommy can cook/unload dishwaser/conduct business. The TV was not working so we went with the portable DVD player. How spoiled are we?

One day this child will each chocolate without creating a beard in the process.

Jackson loves the camera. Wonder where he gets that?

Jackson has his helmet, swim googles, and gardening gloves on - his version of a racecar driver. This guy puts together the funniest outfits!

This is the banner for Jackson's graduation on Thursday. He is officially no longer a little boy!

The kids made their own graduation caps. At this time, Jackson's pants came unclasped. Throughout the whole program, he pulled his pants from side to side, attempting to hitch them up while wearing a crooked grin. It would not have been so bad except he was the loudest child up there and drew enough attention to himself already. Jamie and I could not decide if we should run up and help him out. We opted to let it "fly."
Jackson's hat kept falling down as well. He was quite uncomfortable but that did not keep him from singing his heart out. He practiced at home for weeks! See how he is pulling his pants up?:)

Friends came over for dinner last night. We tried to get a group picture of the kiddos but they were exhausted and uncooperative. We had a blast with Allie and Brant!

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